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Peru’s National Day Celebrations

Peru’s National Day

In the year 1881, on July 28, in the 19th century, the Declaration of Independence in Peru was released by José de San Martín, an Argentinian general who released Peru and other countries in Latin America from the Spanish Empire.

The following day, July 29, he declared the establishment of the Republic of Peru. Fiestas Patrias is one of Peru’s most awaited and important national holidays, let’s learn more about this special celebration.

The Main Celebration

The celebrations start on the morning of July 28th with a te deum mass led by the Archbishop of Peru, where the president of the Republic attends with other authorities. Then, the president addresses a speech from the balcony of the Government Palace. Civilian parades across the country go with this, where people pay honors to the flag and the nation's history.

The next day, the Plaza de Armas will be a hub of activity and celebration in every city to celebrate Peru’s central day. After the flag-raising ceremony, the armed forces and the national police of Peru perform “El desfile militar” (The Great Military Parade). Is customary that people wait before the sun hits to not miss a single detail of this show, which is  one of the most awaited parts is the police dog marching with their workmates.

Independence Day in Peruvian Cities

Lima: Flagging of houses, which shows houses and buildings showing the Peruvian flag are typically seen in Lima. It’s a tradition for families to attend the parade mentioned before, or watch it on TV. It’s also common to share with families food and drinks while listening to Peruvian folk music. 

Cusco: Just like in Lima, you’ll see the Peruvian flag on houses and buildings, the main action takes place in the Plaza de Armas, where the police, institutions, dancers, and musicians will dance, sing, and play instruments in a huge parade. As you know, Cusco is the most touristy city in Cusco, so it’s common for tourists to participate with local Peruvians in this massive celebration.

Arequipa: The so-called “White City” enjoys the Independence Day of Peru with parades, dances, and music. It’s common to see local fairies, folk music, and even rock concerts in its central core. By the beginning of August, Arequipa is getting ready for its central day.

Peruvian Amazon:  People in Moyobamba usually eat, “Juanes” a delicious dish made of a combination of chicken hard-boiled eggs, banana, rice, and others. Just like everywhere in the country, too, there are military parades, masses, food fairs, tours, museum visits, and kids wearing traditional school party costumes with cockades on their chests. Red and white are throughout the city's streets.

Traditions and Costumes

As there are consecutive holidays during this time of the year, many Peruvians take advantage of it traveling around the country, and exploring popular and less-known destinations and places in Peru. It’s common for Peruvians living abroad to visit their country around this time of the year.

Wherever in Peru you’d be during this time, you’ll see vibrant red and white colors flooding the streets of its main cities, parades, music, dances, and food. Peruvians love to share their traditions with their families, so they gather to eat the most typical Peruvian delicatessens such as ceviche, aji de gallina, papa rellena, arroz chaufa, lomo saltado seco de carne, and more.

Travel Tips

Book in Advance: You’re not the only one who wants to join this celebration, so book in advance to visit Peru in July, as this time is high season already.

Learn Some Spanish: Hola! Como estas? Cuanto esta? Or Habla Causa! Here are some Peruvian basic phrases to know when you visit Peru. You can have a look at this article to learn a little bit about Spanish.

Enjoy Local: Share our happiness singing, dancing, and eating with Peruvians, we assure you you’ll have a great time celebrating “fiestas patrias” with us!

Choose Wisely:  We recommend you look for a reputable company that guarantees you just enjoy your trip to Peru. Viagens Machu Picchu is pleased to have assisted more than 40, 000 people to make their dreams in Peru come true.

We encourage you to feel the color, joy, and happiness that Peruvians feel during this time, travel with Viagens Machu Picchu to learn what Peru has to offer.




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