Machu Picchu Travel

Terms and Conditions of Use


We are VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU. We offer a virtual environment to market our own services related to the sale of tourist packages, tours, and experiences in Peru, without prejudice to other additional services that will be discussed in due course in these T&C.


These terms and conditions (T&C) explain the services provided by VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU and regulate the relationship between it and the people who use its services (Users). Users accept these T&C as soon as they decide to contact VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU by clicking to accept these Terms and Conditions of Use to obtain information about our services or when they decide to hire our services through our online platform (Platform).

In the event of any change in our services or these T&C, VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU commits to publish any modifications at least 10 days in advance so that Users can review them and continue using the Platform. In no event will the modifications mentioned here affect services that have already been contracted by Users prior to those changes.

Users who do not have pending obligations with VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU at the time of the modifications mentioned in item 1.3 may terminate their relationship with the Platform by canceling the contracted services.


Using the Platform implies the highest understanding, acceptance, and automatic binding of the User to these T&C. By using any of the services offered, the User agrees to respect and follow all guidelines set forth in this Policy.

These T&C may undergo periodic changes, either due to legal issues or exclusive strategic matters of the Platform. When this occurs, the Platform will immediately inform the User via their registered email, giving them the option to request the immediate deactivation of their registration at no cost if they do not agree with the new wording of the T&C.

Once any changes are made to these T&C, and if the User does not cancel their registration, it will be automatically understood that all amended terms have been duly accepted without any reservation, and became effective from their publication on the Platform's website.

Acceptances of these T&C and their changes will be recorded by the Platform, including the date and time they in which they are made. This information may be used by the Platform as proof that the T&C and their changes have been accepted by the User.


Only individuals who have the legal capacity to contract may contact us or hire VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU's services. Minors may not use their accounts. This must be done through a legal representative, who will be responsible for all actions and obligations arising from the use of that account and who must ensure responsible and proper use concerning the maturity of the minor.

The User who decides to contact VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU, or hire our services on behalf of a legal entity (company), must have the capacity to contract on its behalf.


The User who decides to contact VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU through the Platform must first choose the way they want to establish that contact, whether by email or through WhatsApp.

When choosing to contact via email, the User must provide the following information:

  • Full name;
  • Email;
  • Phone;
  • WhatsApp;
  • Department in which the person works.

When choosing to contact via WhatsApp, the User must provide the following information, in addition to information about the package(s) they wish to purchase:

  • Full name;
  • WhatsApp;
  • Email;
  • Language in which the person wishes to be served.

Before contacting, regardless of the chosen means, the User must agree to these T&C and to the Privacy Terms of VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU.


The User who wishes to hire the services of VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU may request a quote through the Platform by simply clicking on the package option that interests them and then clicking on the "Request a Quote" option.

By clicking on the "Request a Quote" option, the User must provide the following information:

  • Full name;
  • Email;
  • Phone Number;
  • WhatsApp;
  • City of origin;
  • Departure date;
  • Return date;
  • Preferred hotel category;
  • Number of children, if any;
  • Observations, if any.


The User must fill out the forms for sending information requests, contact, and quotes with the data required. By completing the forms, the User agrees to do so accurately, precisely, and truthfully, and to keep their data always updated. The User will be solely responsible for the accuracy of their registration data. Without prejudice to the information provided in the form, we may request and/or consult additional information to verify the User's identity and to complete any necessary documents for brand registration. VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU may also contact Users via email, WhatsApp, or even by phone to inquire about their experience on the Platform and offer consulting services.


The data provided by Users is shared with the RD Station platform, whose Terms and Policies can be accessed on its website at the following link:


VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU responsibly uses personal information, protecting the privacy of Users who have entrusted us with their data and taking the necessary measures to ensure the security in the processing and storage of that data. For more information, please check our Privacy Policy.


If the User violates any law or these T&C, VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU may warn, suspend, restrict, or temporarily or permanently cancel the services provided, without prejudice to other applicable civil and criminal sanctions.


VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU shall be responsible for any defect in the provision of its service, to the extent that it is attributable to it and within the extent provided by current laws.


VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU owns all intellectual property rights over its websites, all its content, services, products, brands, trade names, logos, designs, images, advertising phrases, copyrights, domains, computer programs, codes, developments, software, databases, information, technology, patents, utility models, designs and industrial models, trade secrets, among others (hereinafter referred to as "Intellectual Property"), which are protected by national and international laws.

It is prohibited to use our intangible assets, products, or services for illegal purposes, to perform any type of reverse engineering or derivative works, to use search tools or data extraction from our platform for reuse, and/or to create proprietary databases that include, in whole or in part, our content without our express authorization.

It is also prohibited to misuse, without authorization, and/or contrary to current regulations and/or that generates confusion or implies defamatory use and/or that causes harm, damage, or losses to VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU.

Hiring the services provided by VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU does not imply authorization to use its intellectual property or the intellectual property of third parties that may be involved in the Platform and/or in providing services to Users, subject to legal measures.


By hiring the services of VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU, the User licenses and authorizes VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU to use their image and voice, free of charge, globally, and for an indefinite period, from the date of signing this service contract, including for commercial purposes, concerning the photos, videos, and recordings made of the User by VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU, its employees, collaborators, and representatives during the tours in Peru hired by the User from VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU.

VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU may use the User's image and voice to distribute the photographs, videos, and recordings of the User on the internet, its own and third-party websites, social networks, physical and virtual platforms, advertising materials, newspapers, magazines, posters, flyers, outdoor advertising, banners, podcasts, videocasts, webcasts, inserts, videograms, audiovisual works, or any other type of vehicle, format, or media, broadcast in Brazil or abroad, without any limitation on the number of insertions and reproductions, provided that such use does not harm the User's name and reputation in any way.

The User also authorizes that the photos and videos taken by VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU, its employees, collaborators, and representatives during the tours in Peru, hired by the User, be included in image banks so that they can be used by other companies in any means of advertising or marketing, or free of charge.


If the User wants more information about these Terms and Conditions of Use, or about the services contracted from VIAGENS MACHU PICCHU, they may contact us through our customer service channels:


These Terms and Conditions are governed by current Brazilian legislation. Any controversy arising from their application, interpretation, execution, or validity will be submitted to the Forum of the District of Curitiba, State of Paraná, except for claims presented by Users who fall within the legal concept of consumers, who may submit such claims to the forum of their domicile, pursuant to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Code.