Machu Picchu Travel
Tips and recommendations

Qhispikay glamping

Qhispikay glamping

Qhispikay translates to "freedom" in Quechua. This initiative happens in the gardens of three families from Cusco's high Andean communities in Huiloc, Viacha, and Misminay. 

Qhispikay is a circuit of three tent-like lodges that come with all the amenities to make your stay here unforgettable. Let's see more about this fancy and lovely accommodation.

Understanding Qhispikay

To truly know a place, you must understand its environment, history, culture, and people. Qhispikay Sustainable Glamping invites visitors to fully experience Peru's environment. This campsite embodies the lively living culture of the Andes. 

It serves as a location for sharing and learning from the Andean people, besides being a place just to sleep. Furthermore, it has no environmental impact, which makes it an eco-friendly lodge.

The skills these people know, they've passed on from generation to generation. For example, building adobe homes, dyeing, and weaving wool from alpacas or sheep.

Other methods that these people use are organic farming and traditional cooking methods. This glamping site is located in a place with great hikes, that we assure will amaze you, and it has innovative and delicious food.

Qhispikay Glamping Locations

The Viacha Glamping  is near Pisac, one of the villages in the Sacred Valley. The glamping site is 3,900 meters above sea level. The Maqqe Family will be waiting for you to have a comfortable stay.

Huiloc Glamping is in the Huiloc community where approximately 900 people live. Near Huiloc, you’ll find Ollantaytambo, another city in the Sacred Valley. This little village is filled with ancient traditions yet to be discovered.

Misminay Glamping offers panoramic views. You can see the magnificent snow-capped mountains near the former Inca laboratory, Moray.

Facilities & Amenities

Tents: All tents have heating, electric lights, tables, alpaca blankets, and more.

Bathroom: This sustainable bathroom was made with local materials, but using a modern touch. 

Food:  There are at least two people who are well-trained chefs. The meals are breakfast and dinner, made with organic and local ingredients. You can ask if you want to eat a delicious lunch.

Cultural Activities

You can do trekking and other cultural activities with extra costs. The activities you can do are the following:

Weaving and dyeing: The Peruvian textiles are an ancient and significant legacy. You can have this experience with local experts in this art.

Andean Ceremony: Andean mythology is fascinating and full of secrets. People in the Andes venerate the “Pachamama” or Mother Earth and respect the “apus” or mountain gods. To fully understand the Andean worldview, we recommend taking part in this ceremony.

Fishing in Viacha Lagoon: Near Viacha, a trout-filled lagoon awaits. Join a local community member to catch fresh fish.

Making Chicha: The historic tradition of drinking Inca-brewed beer, or "chicha de jora”, endures to this day. Discover the typical method for crafting this long-standing beverage.

Making Adobe bricks: This is a key task as adobe is the best building material in the Andes. It was used for houses, the key attribute of adobe building is its ability to keep heat. It does this on cold nights, and also makes structures more resistant to damage. 

A unique experience

 This glamping experience is sustainable and committed to the local community. It lets you escape the routine. It invites you to be part of something greater: a move to more mindful and enriching tourism.

Qhispikay Glamping offers luxury and authenticity. Adventure blends with respect for the land and its people. This gem is in the Peruvian mountains. It's a unique way to explore the Andes and immerse in a rich and diverse culture.

Travel with Viagens Machu Picchu to discover these accommodations and the places that house them. Look at our destinations in Peru to know more about our fascinating country.