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Best Spots to See Condors in Peru

See Condors in Peru

The Andean Condor is one of the most “flagship” creatures in our territory, not only for its ancient and historic value, but also for its majesty, beauty, and care. These amazing animals not only live in the highlands of South America, but you can also find them in the deserts and open grasslands in Peru.

They can weigh up to 15 kg and reach a maximum wingspan of 3 meters, as they are the largest birds you will see in the sky and are quite easy to spot. Although there’s no guarantee you can spot an Andean Condor when you get to Peru, let’s look at some places where you have a high probability of spotting this majestic bird.

Cruz del Condor

Although is not as popular as the Grand Canyon in the US, it’s considered by many one of the deepest canyons in the world. Seeing condors will be among the most thrilling experiences of your trip to the Colca Valley. The best spot to watch them fly is from the Cruz del Cóndor, or Condor Cross viewpoint, which is situated at an important confluence where the condors use the rising air currents to their advantage.

Get up early and get to the Cruz del Condor viewpoint if you want the best chance of seeing condors in the Colca Valley. Since the condor is most active in the mornings, so you'll have a better chance of seeing a condor in flight. Cruz del Condor has no entrance fees and is easily reachable by bus from neighboring cities such as Chivay and Cabanaconde. 

As you’ll see cars and buses available, we suggest scheduling a tour. Spotting Andean condors is something we consider to be normal, although there's an excellent chance of seeing the birds fly this season, neither then nor during the dry season can we promise that they will. Visitors may become crowded with the view as the morning goes on.

Mirador De Chonta

The Apurimac River Canyon is one of the world's deepest valleys and is also the natural habitat to a large population of Andean Condors, which are the heaviest flying birds in the world with the longest lifespan. One of the few locations where you may still observe condors in their native habitat is the Apurimac Canyon, where they are protected as a species due to their imminent extinction.

This Canyon is located between Chonta and Limatambo villages, one one-hour drive from Cusco, you must pay around 30 soles to reach the viewpoint. The hike is somewhat moderate, taking you around 1 hour to get to the top. Around the way, you’ll see the beautiful views and the mountains that surround the place.

Once you get to the sightseeing, you’ll see other three “smaller” viewpoints scattered around the place, most visitors say the third one is the one that offers the best views. The best time to see the condor is between 3 and 4 pm.

Reserva Nacional de San Fernando

This reserve serves as a migratory site for several animal species, such as the Andean fox, the guanaco, and of course the Andean Condor,  is protected by the Peruvian state, and is frequently mentioned as an important part of an Andean-coastal ecological circuit. 

This migration happens naturally in places where human populations have not altered this millions-year-old natural connection, and it may be caused by nesting or feeding needs. This is true of the Ica region's southern boundary as it relates to Ayacucho, where animals on land and in the air can travel between the Andes, the coast, and the sea without much risk.

The San Fernando coastal areas are around 100 kilometers away from the mountains, which rise to a height of over 3,000 meters. Condors have to fly this far to get to the coast from their normal homes. It has been shown through years of scientific observation that the main cause of this movement is to feed on the placenta of baby sea lions. This happens in the summer, from December to March, and is regarded as the ideal time to see these magnificent birds. 

Tips for Enhancing Your Condor Experience

Be an Early Bird:  You must be patient to see while the condor soars, as you must wait from 40 minutes to some hours. However, you must be pretty early in the places we mentioned, as the Condors are active first hours of the morning. So, if you’re an “early condor”, your chances of seeing the condor will increase.

Stay close: If you want to visit the Cruz del Condor, we recommend staying near the Colca Canyon a day before. You can go the the hot springs, wander around Chivay, or take a Colca Canyon tour. You can see our Colca Hotels Guides for further information.

Keep in mind the weather: In the rainy season is almost impossible to see the condor at its best as these creatures avoid rain. If you want to see a condor, take into account what time you’ll be visiting Peru, and avoid the rainy season.

Don’t be afraid of Altitude Sickness: Except for San Fernando Reserve, the spots we showed you, and some not that popular are located in high altitudes varying between 2500 and 4000 meters above sea level. Follow our advice regarding altitude sickness and you’ll be seeing these huge birds at ease.

Maximize your time:  The Colca Canyon Region, Arequipa, and Cusco offer an array of activities to do, some of them in just one day trip. These cities held inca and pre-inca civilizations, you can discover more of them in our articles “Best Things to Do in the Colca Canyon”, and “What to Do in Cusco”.

Discover more of Peru and its creatures with Viagens Machu Picchu! Contact our specialists to start living your dreams in our country.


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