Machu Picchu Travel

Tinajani Canyon

Tinajani Canyon

If you thought Puno was all about Lake Titicaca, let us tell you, with all respect, that you were wrong. But we can’t blame you for that since most travel agencies have exploited the same tourist attractions for decades, which is why we’d like to show you a natural wonder hidden right at the heart of the Andean highlands.

Undoubtedly, Puno is a region full of culture, history and nature, there’s so much to know and see that you surely didn’t know about. For that reason, we’ve come up with this Puno travel guide so you can plan your adventure with the best of the region!

Nature is the most patient artist and the Tinajani Canyon is certainly the perfect example to this definition. It took millions of years to create this natural masterpiece, where towering rock walls and evergreen valleys will leave you spellbound to their greatness.

For those looking to experience a yet-to-be-explored attraction in Peru, this is the way to go! Keep on reading and start planning a trip itinerary off the beaten track.

About the Tinajani Canyon

As we mentioned before, the Tinajani Canyon is located within the Puno region, only 3 hours away from the Folkloric Capital of Peru. The natural wonder offers the perfect setting for camping activities, as well as rock climbing, mountain biking and more.

First, we would like to highlight that the way up to the canyon is as impressive as you can imagine, the road will take you through the most visually striking scenery of the Andean highlands, where meandering rivers will accompany you along the route.

Also, you’ll be able to see the imposing Abra La Raya, a mountain range of the Andes that houses the Chimboya snow-capped peak, situated at 5,489 meters above sea level.

Now, a bit of information about the Tinajani Canyon. This impressive natural attraction is recognized for its towering rocks, where some of them can rise up to 50 meters of altitude (or even more).  The canyon has an extension of 200 hectares.

The Tinajani Canyon took millions of years to form, where important wind phenomena and major temperature changes, shaped the canyon to a much intriguing scenery. Long before human kind, the Tinajani Canyon was a huge mass of water, which is now -clearly- gone, leaving the beautiful Lake Titicaca as its legacy.

How to visit the Tinajani Canyon?

We highly recommend visiting this attraction with a professional tour guide since there’s a lot of mysteries involved in this location that you surely don’t want to miss.

Our Tinajani Canyon Tour takes you through the most visually striking natural scenery of Puno on the way to the famous archeological site.  If you’re eager to know more about our history, include this excursion in your travel itinerary and start exploring Peru like a local expert! Contact our travel specialists for more information.

Would you like to know more about Peru? Here you’ll find all the information you need for your trip. Our local expert team has prepared the most complete informative guides for you! Also, if you’re eager to know Peru at its fullest, check our travel packages and live an authentic experience with Viagens Machu Picchu.