Machu Picchu Travel

Quiocta Caverns

Quiocta Caverns

Las Cavernas de Quiocta (Quiocta Caverns) is a hidden jewel in the middle of the Peruvian Amazon. They are a natural rock structure that stretches 545 meters down, you can enter through a 5-meter diameter cave. 

Shadows, lights, and shapes combine in this setting to pique the visitor's interest. You can see stalactites and stalagmites, and classic rock art from the Chachapoyas culture and Pre-Inca tombs.

Locals discovered the Quiocta Caves in the early 1900s while collecting orchids in the region. They are located near a mountain in the Andes range and are notable for their high soil humidity. This whimsical site was carved by nature. 

It has 7 chambers with stalactites and stalagmites, each chamber is named and forms an interesting figure. The figures include the cemetery, the” pharaoh", and the "mummy". Also, the Inca, the Angel watching over the birth, the lance, and the chief looking at the princess. 

The guides at this location often perform rituals with coca leaves to honor the ghosts of those who died in the Quiocta caverns, most likely the Chachapoya kings. Giocta is in the Luya province, it has over 22 caverns. The caverns once sheltered the region's inhabitants, including Vaquín, Lenchanda, and Huacangral.

Getting to the Caverns

If you plan to travel there from Lima, remember that the trip by land will take about 24 hours to Chachapoyas, Amazonas’ main city. The trip could get shorter or even longer depending if you’re in Cusco, Arequipa, or Trujillo. The cave is a hollow within a mountain in the vast Andes Mountain Range near the city of Lámud, province of Luya. The distance from Chachapoyas to Luya is around 31 kilometers. 

It's a one-hour bus ride from the Amazonas departmental headquarters. At the Luya terminal, you switch to another bus. It will take you to Lámud, which is 3.5 kilometers away (about 15 minutes). From there, take a 30-minute combi ride to a route that leads to the cave, which is a 10-minute walk away.

Activities to Do near the Caverns

Quiocta is the most popular and magnificent cavern in the area, but, the Lámud area contains eight more caverns that are nearby. Some of these include Vaquín, Huacangral, and Lemchada. The latter is located a kilometer north of Quiocta.

After touring the Quiocta cave, make sure to see the Karajía sarcophagi, just 10 kilometers away. These sacred archeological remnants are part of the tourism circuit in Luya. 

Consider the following Tips

- Exploring new places creates beautiful shared memories if you have a family. However, since there are some dark areas the path could be muddy and dirty. If you have kids, we recommend doing this activity with kids over 12 years old. 

- You may get soaked, or dirty with the mud or humidity. Our recommendation for you is to bring some extra clothes.

- Getting into a cavern is a mysterious adventure, but could be counterproductive as you’re not familiar with the area and the caverns, We recommend hiring a guide, so besides you won’t get lost, and you’ll make the most of your trip learning more information about the caverns and its surroundings. 

-Keep in mind that caverns are humid, muddy, and dark places, that's why it's a good idea to wear rubber boots, rain gear, comfortable clothes, and a flashlight.