Machu Picchu Travel

Tella Archaeological Complex

Tella's Archaeological site is a tourist attraction in the Magdalena district,  in the province of Chachapoyas, Amazonas. The Tella Archaeological Complex is a pre-Inca citadel. It covers a total area of four hectares with crop fields surrounding it. They beautify the environment and the ensemble.

This citadel seems to be part of the constructions left by the Chachapoyas in the Amazonas region. Its structures include recognizable homes, they are like those found in the Kuelap Archaeological Complex.

This structure is interesting because it has retaining walls that are four meters high. They show a key aspect of Chachapoyas structures: The design to withstand attacks. Near this complex are other important pre-Inca ruins including Macro and Machupirca. These ruins are part of tours with Tella. 

Those who want to enjoy the nearby attractions and all of Tella can stay in the city of Magdalena. It has hotels, restaurants, and stores that provide services. Staying in Magdalena lets them enjoy more days there and explore the tourist attractions nearby.

Some want to enjoy the attractions around Tella. They can stay in Magdalena, where there are hotels, restaurants, and stores. These provide the services they need. So, they can stay in Magdalena and explore the tourist attractions nearby. In 2021, the Peruvian  Ministry of Culture declared Tella as Peru’s national heritage

Getting to Tella

The Archaeological Complex of Tella is located in the Amazonas region, in the province of Chachapoyas, in the district of Magdalena. The city of Magdalena is situated near this site, so if you want to enjoy it fully, you could stay for a few days in this area.


The climate in this area is warm and humid, with precipitation present for most of the year. The months from May to November are suitable for visiting due to the lower precipitation levels.