Machu Picchu Travel

La Laguna de los Condores

La Laguna de los Condores

Truly adventurous people should visit the Laguna de los Cóndores. If you accept the challenge, be ready to cross marshy areas, climb high and treacherous hills, and endure bad weather. You will do this to reach the Laguna de los Cóndores, a natural gem in Chachapoyas in the middle of the cloud forest.

Laguna de los Condores is atop the surrounding mountains. The lake is stunning and three kilometers long, people called it like that for the condors that once soared over it.

 The lake is part of an archeological complex that includes Chachapoya mausoleums. The mausoleums held 200 mummies for thousands of years. Now, they are on display at the Leymebamba Museum.

Visiting the Laguna de los Cóndores is an adventure. This Lake is also known as Laguna de las Momias, or Lagoon of the Mummies. It takes nine hours to walk or ride from Leymebamba into the jungle. If you want to visit the ancient complex, it'll take three days.

Nature and history provide great views as this lagoon is in the middle of the jungle. If you want to visit it, remember you must be fit to handle the hike, weather, and hours of walking. However, the payoff is worth it. Laguna de los Cóndores' beauty and rich history provide a unique and memorable experience.

This is where around 200 mummies from the Chachapoya culture were discovered. These mummies are presently housed in the Leymebamba site museum. The lagoon is black for two reasons. First, it is deep, ranging from 70 to 150 meters, and second, it has a lot of tannic acid.

How To Get To Laguna de los Cóndores:

The lagoon is in Leymebamba, a district two hours by bus from Chachapoyas (83 km). Chachapoyas is the seat of the Amazonas department. Leave from the bus terminal in the morning, once at Leymebamba, hire a local guide or a tour agency to take you to the archeological site. From there, a nine-hour hike begins, be prepared for that!

Activities to Do

Visit the mummies in the museum. The Leymebamba Museum houses over 200 mummies from tombs near the lagoon.

Picture the landscape: The lagoon and its environs are breathtaking, magical, and mesmerizing. This area is full of cloud forests, flora, and waterfalls, making it ideal for taking great photos.

Take a boat ride: The calm water is great for boating and trout fishing. Fishing is another popular activity at the lagoon.

Learn more about the legends: The lagoon is home to two fascinating legends. The first tells of a curse on the mummies discovered in the complex. The second tells of 500-year-old wealth lost in its 70-meter depth. The gold was meant for Atahualpa, an Inca leader captured by the Spanish.

Explore the mausoleums: These hallowed graves are over 1200 years old. They are a major feature of archaeology and tourism at the lagoon. The Chachapoyas stored and preserved their mummies in these two-story cubes putting them on rocky walls over 6 meters high. The mausoleums contain human skulls, some have teeth and hair, and they also contain inside cave paintings and unique symbols.