Machu Picchu Travel

Laguna Llanganuco

Laguna Llanganuco

Huaraz is in northern Peru. It has many natural beauties and activities. So, it's a must-see on your South American vacation. Laguna de Llanganuco consists of two bodies of water surrounded by towering mountains. Learn all about it, how to get there, and much more while you're here.

Huaraz is known as Peru's Trekking Capital. Huaraz houses the Cordillera Blanca, the country's longest tropical snow-capped mountain range. The range has 17 peaks over 6,000 meters, over 500 lakes, and 722 glaciers.

Among the many fascinating things to do in Huaraz, some may have gone overlooked, such as Laguna 69 and Laguna de Llanganuco. Continue reading to learn all about this mystic Huaraz location. you will end up speechless at its breathtaking scenery.

Llanganuco Lakes

It has two bodies of water: lake Chinancocha and Lake Orconcocha. They are in the Huascarán National Park in the Cordillera Blanca. The Llanganuco Valley is surrounded by a variety of mountain structures, including the Huascarán, Huandoy, Pisco, Chacraraju, Yanapaccha, and Chopicalqui mountains, which vary in elevation from 5,700 to over 6,300 meters above sea level.

The lagoons have turquoise and clear waters. They create a visually breathtaking sight. You should not miss them when visiting this amazing spot.

The Laguna de Chinancocha is called a "female lagoon" in Peru since it is located at the base of the Huascarán, a snow-capped peak that stands 6,768 meters above sea level and is Peru's tallest mountain. Chinancocha is 3,850 meters high, 1,450 meters long, 393 meters wide, and 28 meters deep.

However, due to its greater elevation, the "male lagoon" Orconcocha is difficult to reach. Its turquoise waters are 910 meters long, 390 meters wide, and 7 meters deep. Both lagoons are just a few meters apart and surrounded by diverse and abundant wildlife.

How to Get There?

If you plan on visiting these fascinating lagoons, make sure to follow these tips to make the most of your holiday. For a visit to Huascarán National Park, you must first go to Huaraz, which is now accessible by bus or aircraft

Take a flight: This is the most convenient but also the most expensive method to arrive in Huaraz. Unfortunately, there is no airport in Huaraz. So, you will have to take a commercial aircraft to Anta Airport, which is 15 minutes away by car. Keep in mind that Huaraz is 3,052 meters above sea level. To prevent any altitude sickness symptoms, we recommend resting for a minimum of two or three days.

Update: Since August 2023, Huaraz Airport has been in maintenance. The work will finish around the start of 2024. Huaraz Airport will open its doors in July 2024, when Peru’s main flight will operate this route from Lima. You can now buy tickets in advance.

Travel by Bus:   This is the most popular service. Many companies operate from Lima and other Peruvian cities. Most of these buses give good service, you just need to choose wisely, the journey will take around 8 hours, going through some of Peru's most magnificent scenery.

The Llanganuco Lagoons are unquestionably the ideal natural paradise in northern Peru. Huascarán National Park combines the most breathtaking vistas in the nation with the most exciting hikes.

Fortunately, we offer a tour that includes both Laguna 69 and Laguna Llanganuco. Learn all about this activity while you're here. Are you interested in going off the beaten path? Well, we have you covered! Viagens Machu Picchu makes sure you have all you need.